Monday, September 2, 2013

Urgent funds needed for continued care

Hi everyone. I really hate to ask, but I am down to being very desperate. Funds are needed to continue feeding, buying litter and ultimately getting medical certs for my last 6 foster kitties.
I feel very fortunate for the generous donors the past 5 months. And I know everyone tries to stretch their dollar and give to as many as possible who need it.
I can get by with two boxes of litter a week ($15.16 + tax) from Wal-Mart and a bag of Kit N Kaboodle ($9.98 + tax) approx $28 a week. I know this isn't much, but it's over $100 a month that I don't have.
And when room is available at the rescue they will go to, I'll need another $100 for medical certs and $125 for transportation. And since I don't know when they can take them, it could be at a moments notice.
So please, if you can donate just a couple dollars, I certainly would appreciate it and the kitties would appreciate it.

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