Monday, November 18, 2013

Well, it's finally happened. While scooping litter for the foster's, my back went out. I'm going to need someone to step up and foster them.
I simply can not continue the bending and lifting of that much litter. The fate of my 6 fosters are going to rely on the folks who read this blog or see my links on Facebook.
My health is the reason why I stopped fostering a few yrs ago. But I continued to video and write about the cats and kittens at Gaston Animal Control.

I'm sorry. I never should have put myself in this predicament. And I hate it for the fosters. It was just supposed to be for a week or so.
And after nearly 7 months of bending & lifting, my back has had enough.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sharing daily... I hope you feel better soon.
